How to use PostgreSQL arrays
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In this small article, I am going to show you how to use arrays in PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL has a built-in array type.
PostgreSQL allows columns of a table to be defined as variable-length multidimensional arrays. Arrays of any built-in or user-defined base type, enum type, composite type, range type, or domain can be created.
Let's see how we can use it.
Let's assume an employee_vacations
table, that stores each employee's name and the days of the week when they have a vacation.
This table can be created with the following statement:
CREATE TABLE employee_vacations (
name TEXT,
vacations TEXT[]
We annotate that a column is an array of a specific type T
by writing T[]
, just like we would in a normal programming language.
Inserting Rows
Let's add some rows to it.
INSERT INTO employee_vacations
("name", "vacations")
('Alice', '{"Friday", "Saturday"}');
INSERT INTO employee_vacations
("name", "vacations")
('Bob', '{"Saturday", "Sunday"}');
Let's select employees who have Friday as their first vacation.
SELECT * FROM employee_vacations WHERE vacations[1] = 'Friday';
The above query will return this:
name | vacations |
Alice | {Friday,Saturday} |
Note that we wrote vacations[1]
instead of vacations[0]
That's because unlike most programming languages, arrays in PostgreSQL and one-indexed.
Now you're probably wondering, how to select rows whose array contain specific values, regardless of their index.
Here's how to do it:
SELECT * FROM employee_vacations WHERE ARRAY['Saturday'] <@ vacations;
This asks PostgreSQL to find all the rows whose vacations' array field contains all the values of the array we provided, which is 1 value, 'Saturday', but we could add more values if we want.
This is the result we get:
name | vacations |
Alice | {Friday,Saturday} |
Bob | {Saturday,Sunday} |
Removing Values
Here's how to remove values from an array:
UPDATE employee_vacations SET vacations = array_remove(vacations, 'Saturday') WHERE ARRAY['Saturday'] <@ vacations;
This removes Saturday from all rows whose array contains the Saturday value.
Appending Values
Here's how to append values to an array:
UPDATE employee_vacations SET vacations = array_append(vacations, 'Saturday');
This adds Saturday to the vacations array for all rows.